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Congratulations to Our Awardees of the Chemists Online Self-study Award Scheme (COSAS)

Date: 20/01/2025

The Chemists Online Self-study Award Scheme (COSAS) is a student-paced learning program jointly organized by the Hong Kong Virtual University and the Science Education Section of the Education Bureau. This program is designed to enhance scientific literacy among senior secondary students by providing them with opportunities to explore advanced chemistry through online lectures.

Students are recognized for their achievements based on the completion of courses within a designated period. We are happy to announce the outstanding performance of our students in this year's COSAS. Congratulations to all the following awardees:

Bronze Award Recipients:

3D Yu Kam Yi
4A Chan Kai Wing
4A Chan Sum Yi
4A Chan Tsz Ching
4A Chung Hau Yan Sophie
4A Guo Kelly
4A Kong Kai Shuen
4A Ma Hei Ching Karis
4A Tang Chi Yan Talia
4A Tong Rinkie
4A Wong Hiu Ching
4A Wong Wai Kiu
4A Yuen Nga Sze
4B Chan Ho Sheung
4B Chan Ka Yi
4B Chan Yee Tung
4B Chan Ying Hei Louise
4B Chim Wing Yin
4B Choi Wing Ting
4B Chu Wing Yin
4B Han Chaochao
4B Lau Wai Ki Phoenix
4B Ng Lok Tung Aurora
4B Tam Hei Yiu
4B Tam Yan Yi
4B Yik Tan Ching
4C Au Choi Wing
4C Au Wing Tung
4C Chan Vivian
4C Cheung Lok Ping
4C Chim Wing Yu
4C Chu Yan Kiu
4C Lam Sum Wing
4C Lee Yeuk Ching Michelle
4C Leung Hei Yu
4C Leung Sze Wan
4C Yung Pui Ching
4D Au Ka Man
4D Chen Hoi Lam
4D Chiu Wing Ching
4D Ho Hiu Ching
4D Kong Hiu Lam
4D Li Wing Yu
4D Mok Yuen Ching
4D Ng Angie
4D Zheng Hoi Sum
5C Wong Yat Sum

Silver Award Recipients:

4A Khan Bushra Imsal
4A Li Pak Wing
4A Shehzadi Kiran
4A Yan Hei Tung
4B Leung Hau Ting
4D Szeto Wing Yee
4D Wong Po Chi

Gold Award Recipient:

5C Wong Wing Ki

Platinum Award Recipients:

4C Chan Yuen Ching Eunice
5A Chan Sum Ming

Diamond Award Recipients:
4C Li Ka Ki
5A Wong Hei Ching Venus
5C Tsang Suet Laam
5D Ma Chung Ching